Videos of the presentations given by the founder are available on Youtube(inkcube.org
channel). The presentation materials used are also available.
(More videos will be released in the future. If the presentation could
not be recorded, I will create a video reproduction.)
inkcube.org Channel on
Contents (2022.04.15):
3D Printer, Society Changes It, or It Changes Society?
3D Printer, Society Changes It, or It Changes Society?
Recorded in Imaging Society of Japan, International Conference on Advanced Imaging
2021, Invited Speech: Oct. 07, 2021 [English](24min. 43sec.)
日本画像学会 International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2021で録画されたものです.招待講演:
2021.10.07 [英語](24分43秒)
・Document for Presentation
3D Printer, Society Changes It, or It Changes Society?
3D プリンタ,社会で変わるのか,社会が変わるのか?
Recorded in Imaging Society of Japan, Free Talking "Imaging Today" 2022: Mar. 14, 2022 [Japanese](38min. 10sec.)
日本画像学会フリートーキング"Imaging Today"で録画されたものです: 2022.3.14 [日本語](38分10秒)
・Document for Presentation
Comming Soon!
Comming Soon! インクジェット進化論 (P4F2017Keynote Speech)